  • Avoid making enemies, they will come naturally.

  • Rudeness is always wrong and is not the same as confidence.

  • Be sure of who you are, not what they want you to be.

Campaign Tips

A list of tips to guide your campaign

1. Know why you are running! This is what will motivate you and voters will want to know.

2. Know why you are better than your opponent and be able to explain it to others well. Your opponent most likely has great attributes as well so do not discount them, just explain clearly why you would be a better choice.

3. In the beginning hold small private meetings with possible volunteers and fund raisers. Be specific about your ideas and your goals. Get them behind you. Tell them what they are really in-store for. Let them know your expectations. Then find out theirs.

4. Fund raise night and day! A politician, while campaigning is nothing more than a full-time fund raiser. When you are meeting people fund raise. When you are driving, sitting, or not in meetings call and fund raise. Money is the life-blood of your campaign. Good ideas and strong values wont get you elected if you can't share them with others.

5. Fill your staff positions with volunteers. This could mean recruiting at local colleges, community centers, high school government classes, etc. You can find skilled graphic artists, web designers, flyer distributors, and phone callers this way. Don't pay anyone you don't have too! This will save you lots of money and allow you to spread your message further.

6. Save money everywhere you can. Get discounts for buying in bulk. Look for ways to save money constantly. If you are always fund raising, it seems like a waste to be misusing your hard earned donations.

7. Be transparent. The donations you receive need to be recorded. Know when, where, and who gave you the money. Also know where it will be going. This is not only the law, but a great way to be throughout your political career. People feel like they can trust you.

8. Have a budget and most importantly stick to it!

9. Know what your constituency really thinks. It is important that you stick to your values, but you need to know what values voters want to hear about!

10. Listen. Too often politicians spend time talking and not enough time listening. Listening is often where your greatest ideas will come from. Listen to advisers, friends, family, and especially voters and other politicians. Don't be afraid to listen to your adversaries. Just because someone does not agree with you, does not mean that all their ideas and solutions are bad.